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Automotive & Industrial Equipment Sales, Service & Installation

Light & Heavy duty surface & in-ground lifts
Fluid handling systems
Air compressors & refrigerated dryers
Battery chargers & testers
Filtration systems
Bulk oil & transfer pumps
Air & fluid hoses & fittings
Diaphragm pumps
Lubrication inventory control systems
Lubrication delivery systems
Bulk oil & fluid tanks
Exhaust & carbon monoxide removal systems
Retractable reels/ Air, Oil, Fuel, Electric
Skin care products & dispensers
Parts washers & high pressure washers
Hazardous material & safety equipment
Shop workbenches shelving & storage equipment
Gas buggies, vices, bench grinders, hand cleaners, oily rag containers
Paint & solvent storage cabinets
Spray paint equipment
Spray paint booths
Power coating
Alignment equipment
Wheel balancers, tire changers, & brake lathes
Waste oil heaters
And much more...
Myers Brothers has the automotive & industrial solution you have been looking for.
Our divisions have distilled a wide range of resources in the automotive equipment and service market and the industrial fluid handling and spray equipment arena.
Founded in 1938 Myers Brothers has provided industry solutions for 3 generations. Still operated as a family business, we offer vast experience & knowledge in our core businesses. Knowledge to service & support your equipment long after the sale.
We will not sell sub-standard equipment or do sub-standard work.
It's not our way & hasn't been for nearly 85 years.
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